Syrmon 2 Questions & Answers

This page contains some of the questions that I have been asked asked myself about Syrmon 2 and the answers to them. Of course, these questions and answers only apply to Syrmon 2 and don't affect any other universe.

How exactly is transformation possible there?

Transformative things change the target’s DNA (or something else equivalent to it), making them different than they were before. I don’t know if this would actually work, since I haven’t tried it in real life. I also can't explain why the change happens immediately, since I've been told that they would take longer in real life.

Why is it that the people don’t think that someone may actually be someone else that has been transformed?

It’s not common enough for people to actually think about that possibility most of the time, even though there’s quite a bit of stuff that can be used to cause it. I’m not sure how common or uncommon it actually is, though.

Are you going with fast transformation or slow transformation?

I’ll probably use both. There’s no reason not to.

That’s enough about transformation, you lunatic. What about robot personalities? Are they fixed?

The answer is no, assuming you’re referring to the ones that have personalities in the first place. They can change and/or develop like anyone else can. The ones without personalities are basically like today’s robots in that regard, so they can’t develop quite as much.

Why don’t laser and plasma weapons work like they would in real life?

As far as I know, they just don’t. Get over it. However, it's possible that they aren't really "laser" or "plasma" weapons and I just call them that because I'm not sure what else to call them. I'm not sure about that, though.

As a bonus, I’ll let you know that many weapons that exist in real life have laser versions in Syrmon 2.

How do governments work here?

A species’ government has two parts. First is each country’s government. Each country has its own government, which can make laws and do other governmental things as long as it doesn’t interfere with the planetary government’s rulings. No country government can affect anything off the country’s planet. The second is the planetary government, which consists of whichever species has control of the planet. This government can make treaties and alliances or declare war with other planets (or even entire other species). It can also make laws for its planets to follow, although it usually doesn’t meddle too much into the affairs of the countries.

When you say a planet is the home of whatever species, does that mean other species can’t live there?

Of course not. Members of other species can live there, unless the planet’s government specifically says they can’t. The whole “home” thing just means that the species lived there before they started going into space and consider it their “home base”. The species that planet is the home of will probably be the majority, though.

What is the Galactic Standard Language and why do so many species use it?

It’s the language that the species use to communicate with each other. It is a language that is relatively simple to learn so that newer species can get into the intergalactic “community” easier. Its simplicity means that common people sometimes pick it up and use it for themselves.

How come everything has English names if most people in Syrmon 2 don’t speak English?

That’s because I don’t know the languages they do speak. All the names are in English so I don’t have to worry about the other languages. Of course, their names might be different in the alien languages.

Why is everything there so much more advanced than it is here?

It’s in the future, so they had more time to come up with all this stuff.

Since all these alien species are so advanced, why aren’t their lifespans longer?

At the moment, I’m assuming most of them haven’t figured out a way to bypass the Hayflick limit (or its equivalent for their species) despite how advanced they are. If they did, their lifespans could easily be much longer than they are now. Of course, the Hayflick limit doesn’t apply to robots at all, as they aren't organic. For some reason, the creatures created by Gen-Mech and Gen-Mech S are unaffected by the limit, even though the creators of those machines (or anyone in their species) haven’t figured out how to bypass it.

What are robots powered by in Syrmon 2?

Many Syrmon 2 robots (including Zyborg22, even though he’s not really a Syrmon 2 character) run on electricity. There are other ways to power robots in the Syrmon 2 universe, though. Rohm, for instance, seems to run on a combination of some sort of crystal power and electricity.

The robots presumably have to recharge themselves every once in a while, but they tend to do that away from others.

What is this hyperspace stuff about?

Syrmon 2’s hyperspace is a special dimension where people keep stuff they need easy access to but can’t carry. Basically, it acts like hammerspace does in pretty much any fictional world that has it. Since hyperspace is one big dimension, the people of Syrmon 2 came up with a way to keep their hyperspace inventories from intermingling. Each item that offers access to hyperspace places an invisible “tag” on anything it sends to hyperspace. When someone uses such an item in order to take things from hyperspace, they can only take out things with that item’s “tag” on it. Once they do, the “tag” is removed.

Hyperspace may or may not also be used for faster-than-light travel. If it is, then spaceships will travel through a part of hyperspace that isn’t filled with stuff from people’s hyperspace inventories.

Unless stated otherwise, all of the content of this page is copyright to Zyborg22.